Monday, November 28, 2005

Belated Happy Thanksgivings to all! I'm frantically trying to catch up with my life, having disappeared from it for a whole week of New Jersey vacation fun, but my posting will probably resume today or tomorrowish.

Highlights of vacation, in brief, include:
-Finally saw Serenity, was delighted
-Hummingbirds may be able to safely consume several times their body weight each day, but (despite my best efforts) I am not a hummingbird and therefore should not eat like one
-Hoboken sucks, and I'm okay with that
-Adorable bunny suicide cartoons
-I'm funnier than every single celebrity that appeared on the the "Earth To America" Global Warming Variety show...and that still isn't saying much
-I can cook pie. Who knew?


At 12:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pie? Oooo.. what kind?

At 4:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You were missed at the reunion. I've caught snatches of Firefly flipping braindeadedly through the channels, it's kind of cool. I'll try to post responses tomorrow on old conversations with you, JF and CF; I've just been too busy lately. Ask Aaron about our road trip the next time you talk to him.


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