Friday, November 18, 2005

Will somebody please give Bush a blowjob so we can impeach him?


At 7:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, I love my country but not that much. Plus you'd have to convince Congress that he's a Democrat, and he's too big a spender, too attached to 'nation building', and wants too big a role for government in citizens' lives for that charge to stick.

At 7:49 PM, Blogger Crazy Politico said...

I'm sure George has gotten plenty of blowjobs. But he gets them from his wife, not what ever whore is running around the Oval Office.

At 6:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As far as I'm concerned, any time George W Bush has sex, there's guaranteed to be at least one "whore" in the picture. A woman selling her own body for sex is nothing compared to a president who sells the lives and safety of Americans for his own selfish pleasures.

At 10:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"A woman selling her own body for sex is nothing compared to a president who sells the lives and safety of Americans for his own selfish pleasures. "

I can't disagree with that statement. Have you seen any evidence that we've had a president like that recently? Some Republicans would probably say Clinton, but I disagree. He cared way too much about what Americans thought of him for me to believe he put his own selfish pleasures above the safety of Americans intentionally. Some Democrats would probably say G.W. Bush, but I've seen no evidence that he disregarded the safety of Americans for the sake of some selfish pleasure. Were you speaking in general or about some specific president and some specific selfish pleasure?


At 8:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, this conversation is disgusting and I'm sorry I got involved, but JF, a plurality of voters chose a Jew to be Vice President, so I don't think that's remotely true. About the voters at least, God's will if any on the matter is unclear.

At 7:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you consider vanity to be the overriding concern of Clinton; would it be fair to assume that you consider Bush to actually be honestly and truly concerned with the safety of Americans*, despite the fact that his/your Iraq policy has so far killed almost as many as died in the World Trade Center and neither of you can articulate any justification besides shallow, meaningless and factless slogans (that appear suspiciously like "talking points", as if Republicans could ever be said to have such things)? Wars are pretty typically provoked by the ego of the aggressing country's leader, and a war so absurd, aimless, and unplanned as this seems to fall into that trend. Would you consider arrogance and self-worship to be selfish pleasures, or are they too central to your personality?

* I do believe that Bush cares about American safety, even if he has a pretty horrific way of showing it. But then I believe that Clinton honestly cared about Americans too, and Bush I, and Reagan, etc, and I haven't been called a "wolf" since Cub Scouts.


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