Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Sea monster or whale exhibitionist? You be the judge!
    (Via the Guardian)

    In 1741, a Danish-Norwegian missionary named Hans Egede published what became a famous account of "a most dreadful monster" that appeared off the coast of Greenland. "The case is interesting," the modern scientists write, "in that Egede had drawn and described a number of large northern whale species in his book, so he obviously felt the 'dreadful' monster was something different."


    Egede's animal had a serpent-like tail that appeared out of the water when the rest of the beast had disappeared. But rather than a tail, Paxton et al say, this was most likely a penis. They present photographs of well-endowed male whales, and also a drawing from Egede's book, in which we see the sea monster's serpent-like tail. The latter is remarkably similar to what we see in the photographs.

I've heard some people lament that science kills our sense of child-like wonder by dispelling our myths and fairy tales. What we must remember is that whenever science closes a door to myth it also opens a window to hilarity.

"Thar he blows!"


At 9:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that a sea serpent, or is the ocean just happy to see me?

At 9:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You I like.

At 7:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was probably creepier than necessary because I accidently posted it anonymous.

At 12:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One good character reference for the new guy:

"I confess surprise that a man so dreadfully intellectually and morally challenged as George W. Bush would want a person as intellectually gifted, independent and morally principled as Sam Alito on the bench."


I really wanted Miers to get a "fair up or down vote" as the slogan goes, and someone at the hearings to ask who the second smartest person she'd ever met was.

At 5:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It kinda makes you question Capatin Ahab's motivation, doesn't it?

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

At 6:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hideously off topic but something worth bearing in mind as the US deathtoll approaches that of Sept 11.


At 8:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Charles Pierce's "Welcome to Idiot America", in Esquire:


Oh, it's hard to read this at eight in the morning.

At 7:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just posting this so you know the banner of ZDKism is held high in your native land:

Safe from the flu?

Rather than lament the anti-evolution vote by the Kansas Board of Education as a victory of ignorance over science, look at the bright side: The nation can save millions of dollars by excluding that state from preparations for the potential bird flu pandemic.

After all, today's bird flu virus is not contagious from human to human -- that can occur only after the virus undergoes further, yes, evolution.



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