According to a recent study, not many people have parents as cool as mine.
recent poll uncovered that parents often hold mistaken views about contraception, which they then pass on to their little cherubs. Less than half of parents feel that condoms are effective at protecting against STDs and pregnancy, and roughly the same percetage think that the Pill is effective at preventing pregnancy. In reality, condoms are up to 97 percent effective at preventing pregnancy and STDs, and the Pill is 99 percent effective at preventing pregnancy.
To the surprise of absolutely nobody, conservative parents were found to be more likely to hold inaccurate views on contraception, despite the fact that conservative groups are responsible for every American organization currently campaigning to exclude comprehensive sex education from public schools. Which is understandable; if nobody else knows the facts then nobody can point out how wrong these ill-informed parents really are. And then nobody can point out that, according to a study by the APA, gay and lesbian parents are three times as likely to correctly inform their children about sex ed, and therefore are doing a better job of protecting their kids from STDs and pregnancies. Because we all know where discussions like those might lead.
Now let us all join in a collective eye roll, and bless that community of comic relief we know as conservative America.