Friday, February 13, 2004

Every day I wake up and wish that I had a superpower. This is a constant in my life. The only variation is which superpower I set my hopes on for that particular day.

Today I wished I could read people's minds, and I kept coming up with questions I would want answered about every person I met. Such as:

    If you could be any country, past or present, what country would you be?

    If you could make the world any shape you wanted, what shape would you pick?

    What do you think is the worst smell in the world?

    You awake from a dead sleep to discover yourself perched precariously on the rim of a volcano. A possum sits to your immediate left, along with two lions. One of the lions can talk. You are startled by a strange noise. A large red kite is attached to your big toe. Fourteen western gunslingers wait several paces away, prepared to shoot you if you try to move. You have a pick axe in your right hand. What do you do?
The way I see it, there's no reason why I shouldn't get to have a superpower. I can't stand unsated curiosity so this superpower would make me awfully happy.


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