Sunday, January 18, 2004

Crush. Kill. Destroy.

Sometimes other humans make me want to rampage through Tokyo as a giant robot-gone-mad. Here is today's reason why.

Am I the only one who is bothered by this? Is it odd that I object to $1.5 billion taxpayer dollars being spent to promote religiously-motivated gender stereotypes? Am I crazy, or does it seem a little strange to use public funding to support the denouncement of "non-traditional" families like those of homosexual couples, which have been proven through scientific data to be just as healthy as 2-parent hetero families? Is there a reason why we want to defend the "traditional" family unit, in view of the fact that it could not include mixed-race couples, divorce due to abuse, remarriage after the death of a previous spouse, or adoption of children who have different ethnic backgrounds from their parents? And how is it that so very many people have conveniently forgotten that "traditional" family values include wife beating and child abuse?

Robot rampaging. I'm telling you, any day now.


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