I have to take a moment to brag, here, because Boyfriend has landed a full-time position at NASD (where he has been temping for a bit) and is now making exactly double what I earn. While I mourn the loss of my position as Sugarmama, he has promised to buy me ponies made of diamonds and condor-egg omelettes. Huzzah!
Under no circumstances
Harvested squeezings from mirth's most irritated pore
oooh - nothing like the gravy train to raise ones spirits. Major congrats to the new money maker. Of course, HIS $$ gets taxed out the wazoo..... Just be sure to sign up for as much Roth as you can.
Then he can fly you back home on Friday to watch 300 with me.
Do you think you can go to wherever you found Citizen F and dig up another one? I'm dying to hear about how Democrats and "leftists" don't support our troops, how Daschle and the Clintons caused the conditions in the VA system, what a stroke of principled genius Bush's sell out to PRNK is, etc. etc.
I could try to fake it, but I doubt I'd have the heart for it for long.
You lack heart because YOU HATE FREEDOM!
Yeah, you're right it's hard to do it justice.
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