Breaking news from a diary at Daily Kos:
According to The Huffington Post, Al Franken will announce today Monday January 29th that he will be leaving Air America Radio to pursue a run for the US Senate seat representing Minnesota!
Not that I'm complaining, but what is it about Minnesota having celebs for politicians? I mean, I understand California getting them, but what is up with my home state and the famous people?
Oh come now. How can you say Minnesota has a thing for the famous? Al Franken & Jesse Ventura... they are blips on the radar compared to Paris H, The Donald, etc....Now those are blindingly bright stars whose light has yet to illuminate the politial landscape.
Sweet zombie Jesus, can you imagine such horror? Paris 4 Prez!! She may not know a thing about the issues, but her platforms are TOTALLY HOT!!!
As for The Donald, he's got the hair to work in politics. That's a strong American comb-over that you can set your watch to, by hokey.
Hey Lovey, sorry I've been MIA from teh intarwebz, we don't have access at the house yet (damn companies, wanting money for stuff). But speaking of the house, next time you're in town you best come see it.
Much loves.
Well he won't be getting my vote.
So Franken's going to annoyingly run for senator huh? I thought he was just annoyingly bluffing. I'll only vote for him if his top priority is deporting Hilton and Trump.
I suppose Franken's pretty down these days, since his arch nemesis . . . the fat drug addict on the radio, don't remember his name . . . was proven unprecedentedly right about the Duke Lacrosse scandal, the rich white guys were innocent victims!
just wanted to drop this gem in your lap:
also, watch out for mooninites.
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