As if there was still any debate on the subject, I have yet another bit of proof that my dad is cooler than all y'alls dads. This proof comes to us in the form of Chris's Invincible Super-blog, which Daddio has turned me on to, and which thoroughly deserves to be enshrined in the links on the right side of this page.
It is because of this glorious, life-changing blog that I will now be ending all humorous anecdotes with "...And then Godzilla got busy."
It is because of this glorious, life-changing blog that I will now be ending all humorous anecdotes with "...And then Godzilla got busy."

I am honored. Hell, at this rate, I will never need my own blog.
Of course, I had NOT read enough of the ISB to have found the Godzilla vs Charles Barkley that you found. I must go and purchase a copy. No matter the cost.....
Almost forgot - Am I crazy, or is the Big G wearing athletic shoes in this shot? Dark Horse & the author's will have missed out on major product placement bucks (especially in the Japanese market) if they didn't have these shown in more detail!
Well I might as well continue stuffing the comments with inanity.
As to my last comment, I guess it would have helped if I'd gone and looked at the ISB link ZDK provided. Then I'd have seen that everybody loved the sneakers...
Big giganto fuck-all huge happy birthday wishes to mah secksay grrl *g* Love you, miss you, hope we see you soon!!
If I could find a high-resolution version of this, I would totally buy a wall print.
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