Thursday, June 15, 2006

File this one under, "Zomg, I Luv Teh Internets."

So today I was wandering about an internet news forum that I frequent (wait, it gets even more nerdy), and I started kvetching about my recent neuro qualifying exam. One of my fellow forum-goers tried to cheer me up by reminding me of the joys of science. The following discussion ensued:
    "...Yeah, scientists sometimes do a pretty good job of naming things. Like Schwann cells, for instance. You can't tell me that's not a smooth name. Schwaaaaaannn. Though I also appreciate the increased action potential conduction velocity provided by the myelination of neuronal axons by the Schwann cells. (Let's hear it for showing off!)"

    "Pfft! While the nodes de Ranvier are indeed cool, astrocytes rule supreme."

    "I don't see how you can possibly assert that basic structural support and maintenance of homeostasis can compete with the rapid and exciting progress of saltatory conduction. I mean, astrocytes just lay about all day providing scaffolding for the real action."

    "You dare knock the synaptic transmission modulators and their electrically-coupled syncytium? Philistine! Saltatory conduction is so base - neurotransmission is where it's at."

    "You synapse-lovers, so fixated on flinging chemicals at each other from across the cleft. It's barbaric."

    "Some of us are just about interaction, while you are nothing but a fan of self-release."

    "It's always a popularity contest with you. 'Ooooh, look at me, I integrate excitatory input from three different afferent pathways!' 'My inhibitory impulses regulate the function of two feedback loops!'

    Peer pressure, that's all it is. You depolarize your postsynaptic membranes every time some yahoo spits glutamate in your direction. Well, MY voltage-gated channel acitivity is regulated by summation at my own axon hillock, not by whatever the cool kids are releasing at the moment."

    "And yet you remain in a refractory frigid state not due to someone else's premature gamma-aminobutyric acid burst, but by your own impotence."

    "Look, not all of us can become maximally permiable to current flow every 2 miliseconds. So I inactivate from time to time. So what? I'm not a machine, dammit!

    I always knew that's what this was really about for you. You're looking for some younger, more conductive membrane so you can run off and make a bunch of cute little low-resistance vesicles together. Why don't you just admit that it's because I'm fat?"

    "It's not so much that you're fat, it's that you have layer upon layer of concentric lipid-bilayer deposits wound around your projections, the removal of which you see as a fate worse than apoptosis."

    "I'll have you know that there are plenty of folks out there who like a little insulation on an axon. Not everybody is attracted to anorexic processes with their membrane hanging out for all the world to see. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised, considering the unmyelinated hussies you hung around with before we met."

    "Unmyelinated is just an ugly word bitter glial-dependants such as yourself use for those whose potentials last longer and are slower to climax."

    "As if I could ever be jealous of some puny little fibers that can hardly maintain an impulse across a dozen microns! Maybe some easily-impressed immature membranes can be driven to threshold by your weak EPSPs, but it takes a lot more to trigger conformational changes in my voltage-gated membrane proteins.

    Oh, and you know that time I claimed to be firing repetatively? I was faking it."


At 4:47 PM, Blogger Brian said...

My head hurts now. Can't we talk about something straightforward? Like the fight between Existentialism and Romanticism in French poetry/

At 12:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praise me my unbelieving friend; inasmuch as matters, churchs are now taxed.

At 10:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe you didn't throw in the Ramon y Cajal quote:
"Synapses are protoplasmic kisses...the final ecstasy of an epic love story"

At 10:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops - lost the post name on the prior comment somehow

At 11:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know this is off topic but you're good at this stuff, so I have a serious and sincere question for you. Without believing, as I understand your position*, in any supernatural influence on the world, do you believe in free will? If so, where does it come from? I believe that free will is a supernatural thing, granted by God. Without such a supernatural intervention, can free will exist or is everything we think and do the exact and precise result of circumstances, brain chemicals, etc? Basically it seems to me that in a wholly mechanical universe where everything obeys the laws of physics, chemistry, etc., everything is essentially predetermined and no actual choices are ever made, everyone and everything simply plays the role assigned by what came before.

* I know you don't rule it out.

At 9:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I believe that whether or not free will actually exists is as irrelevant as whether or not God actually exists, and for pretty much the same reason.

At 11:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck. For a sinner, you're no fun at all.

At 4:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

aleks: Remember the quote that "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"? In the same way, any sufficiently complex system is indistinguishable from chaos. And thus, whether free will exists or not is irrelevant -- we can never hope to understand the universe enough to follow the logic that determines the path of a single leaf on the wind. It's just the distinction between a universe of finite (but immense) complexity and one of infinite complexity. To us, whether or not free will as such exists, it will always appear as such.

At 2:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

bistromath: Understanding her point and thinking that it is fun are seperate and unequal things.

At 5:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I know. I was just trying to explain how I saw things.

At 12:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know this is an old post now, but something recently happened on LJ that reminded me of this, you'll jsut die...


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