A fun story and picture from the BBC today, headlined "
Tabby cat terror for black bear." The resolution isn't great, but this picture shows Jack the cat (the orange blob at the foot of the tree) defending his property against an intruding black bear (the dark blob clinging to the tree top). The bear eventually came down from the tree, only to be chased up another tree by the infuriated tabby.
I submit this as Exhibit 1 in my case for why the word "pussy" should most certainly not be used to refer to someone who is weak or cowardly.
That tops the mama and cubs black bears that camped out on the roof of my car once.
How about "Bushy" or "O'Reilly" instead for someone who is weak or cowardly?
I wonder if that cat is afraid of the vacuum cleaner...
Read this:
Damn but they have small bears in New Jersey!
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