Thursday, May 11, 2006

Gotta love The Onion:
    NEW YORK—Pro-life advocates celebrated approval of the new anti-abortion drug UR-86 by the Food and Drug Administration Tuesday, calling it a "safe and effective method" for terminating pregnant women while leaving their unborn children unharmed.

    Pfizer, manufacturer of UR-86—dubbed the "last-morning-ever pill"—said the drug is intended only for occasions when the mind-set or politics of the mother threaten the life of the fetus.


    Tuesday night, South Dakota legislators introduced a bill to impose a five-day waiting period for teenage girls and women before they can buy the pill, claiming its use does not adequately safeguard the lifestyle of the father, the laundry of the father, or the favorite meals of the father. The legislators cited Pfizer's own published list of side effects of UR-86, which include domestic messiness, already-born-child neglect, and inadequate stocking of the fridge.


At 5:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I told you about the DVD-sniffing dogs the MPAA trained, you would think it came from the Onion too. Sadly, no:

At 6:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The WP says even dedicated Republicans are now abandoning Bush. He's lost the Reagan Democrats, the McCain independents never liked him, and now he's losing all but the O'Reilly Republicans, or as they seem to call themselves on this blog, the "wolves".


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