Friday, October 21, 2005

And this is why I am not a Democrat.

It will cost $220 million to build the 5.9-mile "Bridge to Nowhere" connecting Gravina Island (population 50) to the Alaskan mainland. The Coburn Amendment to the Transportation, Housing, & Urban Development appropriations bill (HR 3058) proposed that this money be diverted to reconstruct Louisiana's "Twin Spans" bridge, a major interstate highway bridge used by an estimated 30,000 vehicles per day.

In total, the Coburn amendment would have drained $454 million in pork from ridiculous projects to instead fund the reconstruction of New Orleans. Sadly, the amendment failed 15-82 with only four Democrats voting to support it. The Republicans have long since ceased to be the party of fiscal responsibility, and the Democrats could easily step into that gap...but, of course, that would require spine.

Republicans: corrupt, ignorant, bigotted fundamentalists. Democrats: groveling, gutless, irresponsible enablers. Gotta love that two-party system.


At 4:59 PM, Blogger Brian said...

I'm pissed about it too, but I understand the thinking--every Senator must have figured that if that pork goes, my pork goes as well, and no ne was willing to take the bullet. But credit where it's due--Coburn is insane, but he was on the right side of this issue.

At 12:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To my great anxiety as a desperate partisan hack, Democratic Talking Points don't seem offer me any ready excuses for that one. However it should be remembered that Sen Stevens, the Sen Byrd of the North, is very powerful and famously vindictive to anyone who challenges his ridiculous hauls.

At 4:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's nice to see that neither of my Senators here in SD have any balls.


At 7:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you tell yourself about which you'll vote to reelect and which you'll vote against?

At 9:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neither is up for reelection until '08, so that gives plenty of time for me to get more pissed or for them to make up for it, I guess. Not much more I can say.



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