Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Let it never be said that Christians hold a monopoly on religious silliness.

My childhood home town was heavily populated by those media-controlling, Hollywood-running, Gentile-eating boogymen: the Jews. As a result, I am now one of the tiny handful of Americans who actually notices when non-Christian religious holidays roll around. For instance, sundown tonight marks the beginning of Yom Kippur, The Day of Atonement.

Now, the modern observation of Yom Kippur (as directed by the Reform and Conservative Rabbis that I was exposed to) is a day of fasting and contemplation, and is a relatively quiet affair. However, a related ritual called Kapparot* takes a somewhat more dramatic approach to atonement.

Kapparot was first introduced around the ninth century, when some Jewish scholars pointed out that the Hebrew word "gever" means both "man" and "rooster." The scholars concluded that punishment of the bird could be used as a substitution for punishment of the man, and thus a chicken could be used as a moral whipping boy on the day before Yom Kippur. It wouldn't completely cover all the atonement (because if it did, what would be the point of Yom Kippur?) but it would "take some atonement off the top," as it were. Here's how it works:

Buy a gender-appropriate white chicken (roosters for boys, hens for girls). Recite some passages from Isaiah 11:9, Psalms 107:10, 14, and 17-21, and Job 33:23-24. Swing the chicken around your head by its neck, while saying "This is my atonement, this is in exchange for me, this is my substitute." Then sacrifice the chicken and give its flesh to the poor. For bonus generosity points, feed its entrails to the birds.

This got me to thinking. In addition to the hilarity-related benefits of chicken swinging, we could draw upon the ritual of Kapparot to enrich other aspects of our lives. For instance, one of our English words for a young human ("kid") can also refer to a young goat. Instead of using time-outs to dicipline a misbehaving youth, require that your child swing a goat kid around his head while asking to be forgiven. Then have the child sacrifice the goat and feed its entrails to the family dog. If your child isn't terrified into obedience by this experience, I can assure you that the tot is possessed by Satan.

*Let me stress that the ritual of Kapparot is not described in the Torah or the Talmud, and many Rabbis oppose it. Some Rabbis worry that people will not understand the significance of the ritual, and in recent times there have been concerns about the obvious distress inflicted upon the hapless fowl, while still other Rabbis have decried the ritual as a pagan superstition. Few have been willing to directly question the sanity of swinging birds around your head to atone for your sins. Of course, that isn't as surprising when you remember that the Jews spent 40 years wandering the desert at the direction of a conflagrant hedge.


At 6:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paris Hilton, Demi Moore and Madonna, by claiming to practice Kabbalah, have somehow become the public face of Judaism and you think we're going to be shamed by some loonies killing birds in spectacularly un-Kosher ways?

At 5:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shamed? Fuck no! You guys need to get with the Kapparot program!

It's not like there are actually any Americans who believe the shit Dobson spouts, so I don't write about his antics to "shame" American Christians. Most American Christians are boring, unimaginitive, and so busy flipping through the Bible to find justifications for their already-established beliefs that they'll never do anything worthy of print.

Religious people in general are boring, because religion in general is boring. Remember how the story of the Tooth Fairy was interesting to five-year-old you, but now it's just kind of dull? Well, religious fairy tales are like that, only you aren't allowed to say you think it's dull because you'll get thrown into an eternal pain dimesion (or burned as a witch). Religion is the least creative answer to all of life's most interesting's unsurprising that it attracts a host of anti-creative people.

Fortunately, the human imagination is a wonderfully powerful force, so crazy/genius types will sometimes arrise from the great religious unwashed, and then I get something to blog about.

In a way, I'm more pro-religion than anybody should be, because I strive to highlight the most entertaining aspects and representatives of religiosity. Day-to-day religious life is exactly like secular living, except that you give credit to a Sky Fairy whenever something interesting happens, and that's not flashy enough to sell ANYTHING. You've gotta give it some pazazz. Just ask Jesus...that guy knew the value of showmanship.

Hell, the Jews would probably be much better off if they'd swing a few chickens, because then at least people would notice them in a context other than "Fuck, is Israel STILL a problem?!" or "Dah Jooos run Hollywood! CONSPIRACY!!!"

At 10:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Israel isn't a problem, the neighbors are. And I don't know if Gentiles would make better movies, but either it's your turn to try or we need different Jooos (?) to give it a try, because BLAGH. Why can't there be a conspiracy to make tons of money and completely confuse people by making good movies for awhile?

Right, and the guys at work last week were moaning over an article in some magazine that says Jessica Alba is a "bible thumper". Are you gonna cry?

At 1:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

kapparot - it is a disgusting ritual you think mankind has evolved - but into what. Humans should be as innocent as animals. Or maybe they should hang jews over there head and cut their throats so the animanls can attone for living on this earth with humans.


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