Sunday, February 12, 2006

Merry Darwin Day, everybody!

And no, we "Darwinists" will not get pissy if you simply wish us "Happy Holidays."


At 11:33 AM, Blogger Brian said...

I hear Jeebus celebrates Darwin Day by turning fundies into chimpanzees.

At 8:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian, do I have to remind you of how offensive of you it is to commit the blasphemy of quoting shitty post-2000 Simpsons episodes?

Author, I have a friend here who's from Kansas and she speaks and uses tools and her knuckles don't drag on the ground.

At 4:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Aleks, you've discovered a previously-unknown species! She may represent a transitional form between current Kansas dwellers and homo sapiens, but it is also possible that she respresents on of the "pocket populations" of homo sapiens that have found ways to survive the mass intellectual extinction that devestated the Kansas human habitat.

Seriously though, I feel for your friend. I have a very good buddy who grew up in Kansas, and he's absolutely mortified at what has been going on in his home state. I know there are many intelligent and interesting people who have been unlucky enough to be embarassed by the stupidity going on in that state.

I also know I should try to be more sensititive about the plight of the intelligent folk of Kansas, but at the same time I feel entitled to joke because I'm a scientist who's scraping by in the US. Kind of like how it's ok for Chris Rock to use the n-word.

At 8:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Theory of Intelligent School-Board Design Disproven

December 28, 2005 | Issue 41•52

DOVER, PA—The controversial "theory of intelligent school-board design," which holds that local school boards are "imbued by their creator with minds of irreducible complexity," was decisively disproven by the actions of the Dover School Board this week. "The ignorant and incompetent decisions of this school board clearly indicate that their opinions are not informed by any sort of higher intelligence," said Dover citizen Hank Jervis, one of thousands of locals currently mobilizing to oust the current school board in the next scheduled elections. "Obviously, there is no all-knowing, all-powerful superintendent guiding their demonstrably incorrect policies." Critics of the theory argue that the new evidence supports the alternate view that school boards, instead of being created perfect and without error, rather evolved over the eons out of a morass of political, social, and religious special-interest groups, some of which are better-suited to adapt to change than others.

At 8:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And just to save CF the inevitable confusion, I'll point out that I'm referencing that Onion article as a joke rather than a "source of news".


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