Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Blood-sucking parasites often get a bad rap, particularly in today's political climate, but some British researchers have discovered a bright side to being infested with worms. Results from their on-going research suggest that hookworms may be able to alleviate symptoms of asthma and hay fever.

I know what you're thinking: this is the most badass medical treatment idea since we started fixing our vision by shooting lazers into our eyeballs. Well, it's every bit as awesome as you think. First, you stick a little hookworm larvae on your arm and wait for it to crawl through your skin. Then it burrows into your lungs, into your bloodstream, and finally into your intestine, where it begins to produce eggs. The eggs will be excreted, but the adult worm will live in your gut and suck blood from the walls of your intestine. The hookworm infection will trigger an immune response that dampens systemic over-reactions like those seen in allergies or asthma.

Ok, so it's not a radioactive spider bite, but give them time...


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