Thursday, February 02, 2006

Incertus is getting a bit tag-happy these days, but I'm prepared to play along. Biding my time. Waiting, waiting, until one day...BAM, I sock him with a 14-page blog meme.

Four jobs you've had:
1. Junior lab technician. My first job involved picking apart salamander eyeballs.
2. Movie theatre employee. I actually managed to find a theater that payed commission for candy sales, and it was some pretty okay money.
3. Bartender. Because it sounded like a cool idea at the time.
4. Graduate student. Best job ever...get paid to learn stuff you would have paid to learn.

Four Movies You'd Like to See:
"Tammy And The T-Rex 2"
"The Sordid Adventures of Adam West"
"Supreme Powers" (based on the Marvel series of the same title)
"Subtle Poetry: The Stephen Lynch Story"
Oh, wait, were they supposed to be movies that already exist?

Four places you've lived:
1. Minneapolis, MN
2. Boston, MA
3. Washington, DC
4. The Gelman Library (finals week 2005)

Four tv shows you like to watch:
1. Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go
2. Mythbusters
3. The Daily Show
4. Murder She Wrote (particularly because of the impressive list of 1980s B-actors who appear as guest stars)

Four websites I visit daily:
1. Pharyngula
2. Alas, a blog
3. Guardian Unlimited
4. Lawyers, Guns and Money

Four Places I'd Rather Be
1. In Amsterdam
2. Skydiving
3. Sitting on the US Supreme Court
4. Waxing a Viper with the topless basketball players from the Bodman commercials

Four People to tag
1. Sarah
2. Jeff
3. Mike
4. Jay


At 9:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn you, vile woman!

This shall be posted in the all-mighty eLJay.

At 10:27 PM, Blogger Walrus said...

Hehe, this is kinda my fault, though really a friend of mines fault, though really his friends...well, that's how these kinda things work, I guess...

Anyway, sorry...sort did give Incertus a chance to remind me you had a blog...


At 4:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aha, so it was the devious Walrus all along! I should have known! Well, no matter, for I shall bide my time...waiting, waiting...until one day...

At 7:26 AM, Blogger Brian said...

Well, if you're going to slap us, make sure you slap us both on the same day, because that will do maximum damage--we don't have that many people to tag separately, so you can make it difficult on us right away.

And I had no idea you were a LG&M fan. I go there everyday as well.


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