Sunday, July 25, 2004

The next time a Bush supporter yells at you for calling Dubya a liar, give them the link for the report from the Committee on Government Reform Minority Office--that's Henry Waxman's (D-CA) group.   

The Committee has documented 273 statements made by Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell, or Rice that were misleading at the time they were said.   And just in case anybody was thinking about quibbling over the nature of "misleading," here's a taste of the Committee's work:

    The statements in the database are drawn from 125 public statements or appearances in which the five officials discussed the threat posed by Iraq. The sources of the statements are 40 speeches, 26 press conferences and briefings, 53 interviews, 4 written statements or articles, and 2 appearances before congressional committees.

    Quotes from the officials in newspaper articles or other similar secondary sources were not included in the database because of the difficulty of discerning the context of such quotes and ensuring their accuracy. Statements made by the officials before March 2002, one year before the commencement of hostilities in Iraq, were also not included. The database contains statements about Iraq from the five officials that were misleading based on what was known to the Administration at the time the statements were made.

    In compiling the database, the Special Investigations Division did not assess whether “subjectively” the officials believed a specific statement to be misleading. Instead, the investigators used an “objective” standard. For purposes of the database, a statement is considered “misleading” if it conflicted with what intelligence officials knew at the time or involved the selective use of intelligence or the failure to include essential qualifiers or caveats.

    The database does not include statements that appear mistaken only in hindsight. If a statement was an accurate reflection of U.S. intelligence at the time it was made, the statement is excluded from the database even if it now appears erroneous.

Just look at how careful they were with their standards, certainly more generous than any Democrat would receive in a similar situation, and yet 273 documented instances of lying.  And now it's all nicely tied up in a package for us to leave at the doorsteps of the Shrub supporters.  Special thanks to Incertonia for tipping me off to this.


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