Sorry that posting has been a bit light of late. It turns out that moving is a process that extends over many weeks, and grad school is an excruciating and endless series of crises.
To tide you over, nibble on a snarky tidbit from Shakespeare's Sister (guest posting at The Rude Pundit):
- To wit, the American Values Agenda, which was the centerpiece of House legislation before the hardworking wankers of Congress left for their much-needed break, new raise in hand. The retrofuck jackholes known as the House GOP debated the federal marriage amendment, which had not a Republican’s chance in heaven of passing, but did it anyway, because it’s fun to fling poo at the gays. They debated the Pledge Protection Act, designed to protect the Pledge of Allegiance from legal challenges to the phrase “under God,” because it’s fun to fling poo at the atheists. The American Values Agenda also included bills to ban human cloning, require women seeking late-term abortions to be informed that the fetus feels pain, ban internet gambling, and protect gun rights, because what Americans are really worried about these days is making sure they have guns to fight to married gay clones who convince women to have whimsical late-term abortions so they can dedicate their days to online gambling instead of mothering a future generation of voter monkeys who will screech with delight at all the poo-launching.
American values, bitchez! Ooh-ooh-ooh ahh-ahh-ahh!
Soooooo...... You still thinkin'a vistin' Park later this month? We miss your divine gorgeousness around here.
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