Monday, April 17, 2006

George W Bush sings Imagine

To laugh, or to cry?


At 8:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A friend of mine in St Bernard Parish swore that there is an Imagine cover by Dolly Parton, and he held to that story under torture. But yeah you win.

Have you heard the latest Republican no-spin non-talking point? It's the Democrats who wanted to make being or assisting an illegal immigrant a felony, despite the fact ("Democratic Talking Point") that the Democrats opposed making it even a misdemeanor (as well as opposing making it a felony). Thank you for introducing me to Citizen F, or I wouldn't be able to imagine the sort of wolves intelligent and independent enough to . . . independently come draw the same conclusion . . . as that non-talking point. On the other hand, ignorance does look pretty blissful.

At 9:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS regarding your "War on Easter" link, do you think Colbert will sue O'Reilly for so blatantly ripping him off? After sitting down to Anna Nicole Smith do you think the Supreme Court could handle a suit between such an outrageous and absurd but cunning caricature and Stephen Colbert?

At 4:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because the worst enemy of Bush's foreign policy and domestic politics was always a functioning intelligence service:

Since Bush appointed a Republican ally and former lawmaker, Porter J. Goss, to replace George J. Tenet as the agency's chief in September 2005, Goss has repeatedly criticized the media for writing about sensitive intelligence matters and called for reporters to be forced to reveal their sources to grand juries. He personally oversaw the leak investigation that led to McCarthy's dismissal, rather than asking the Justice Department to do it -- as previous directors had requested in similar probes.

Even the agency's employment policies have changed: Applicants are now asked more aggressively whether they have any friends in the news media, several agency employees said. And the hurdles to making public statements persist for those who have left: Former CIA agents report that the agency's process for reviewing what they write about current events has recently become lengthier and more difficult.

The White House also has recently barraged the agency with questions about the political affiliations of some of its senior intelligence officers, according to intelligence officials.

But you know the 'wolves' will just take this as more proof that Bush was and is interested in the truth and that it's the intelligence services that misled him into making the claims he has about Iraq.


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