Tuesday, February 28, 2006

You know all the wingnuts and chickenhawks have been screaming "traitor!" at anybody who suggests we even remotely consider withdrawing troops from Iraq? You know how they've been telling us that the only way to "support the troops" is to push for their continued stay in a disasterously mismanaged warzone? You know how they've insisted that supporting troop withdrawal is comparable to supporting Hitler?

Well, it looks like our troops are a bunch of America-hating Hilter-loving traitors who don't support our troops.
    A poll of U.S. troops currently serving in Iraq—reportedly the first of its kind—shows that 72% advocate a U.S. pullout within a year, with only 23% for staying as long ”as necessary,” reports Nicholas Kristof in his New York Times column today. Some 29% urge withdrawal “immediately.”


At 9:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That fist link was awesome. There were 70-some comments repeating the exact same thing with a few pictures of Ann Coulter, which we, the readers, are supposed to find sexy. So, next time you make a good post, I'm going to dig up some pictures of you and post them all over the comments. It will be awesome.

At 4:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, in that case, nobody has to worry about being confronted with my hideous visage any time soon...it's been like 2 years and I've yet to slip up and make a single good post so far. :)

At 4:53 AM, Blogger Brian said...

Chukcha, you should so do that--it would be hawt! (as opposed to simply hot).

At 8:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Democratic talking points and your blind trust in your boy Howard Dean just so happen to tell you that not all soldiers agree with CF that something is being accomplished in Iraq that justifies spending their lives on it ("their lives" meaning the soldiers', obviously, not CF's, since noone seems to think Iraq is worth risking him).

At 9:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If the Iranians are trying to influence the outcome of the political process, or the outcome of the security situation there, we're letting them know our displeasure," Bush said. "Our call is for those in the neighborhood to allow Iraq to develop a democracy, and that includes our call to Iran as well as to Syria."

The Iraq War is clearly strengthening our hand against al-Qaeda and Hamas sponsering terror-states. Think about the missed opportunities for "letting them know our displeasure" if us "sheep" had gotten our way instead of the "wolf/man/patriot/fiscal conservative" getting his. I guess we've all learned a valuable lesson about the follies of "blind trust" and having Howard Dean as a "boy".


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