Last month, Tom Delay proudly informed us that there's no more fat to be cut from the federal budget. This past Sunday, Alaska Airlines proudly unveiled the "Salmon-thirty-salmon," a Boeing 737-400 passenger jet that has been painted to resemble a wild Alaska king a price of $500,000 in federal funding.

Don't be deceived by the seemingly large price tag on that project. The article clearly states that $29 million dollars of federal money have been given to the marketing organization that approved and funded that project. 29 million dollars? 29 million dollars? In two years?!? Where are your analysts from CNN and MSNBC who should be asking Tom DeLay why we should be increasing the deficit so that we can fund Alaskan fish marketing to the tune of $29 million? Tom DeLay is ridiculous.
"Don't be deceived by the seemingly large price tag on that project."
"Deceived"? What do you mean? Yes, I realize that the $500,000 came out of a $29 million federal grant. What's your point? The whole grant is stupid, but that particular portion of it was especially conspicuously stupid. I don't see why you think I've been "deceived" just because I choose to point out one of the most peculiar examples of budget 'pork' that DeLay has overlooked.
And you ask where "my" analysts from CNN and MSNBC are...what analysts? Are you perhaps referring to that mythical beast, the Liberal Media? Sorry, kiddo, but they're YOUR analysts. Right wingers and Bush-worshippers have dominated our news media for years now, and it is those supposed "conservatives" who should be pointing out the run-away spending and reckless economic practices of our current government.
Remember, "left-wing" folks are SUPPOSED to be spendthrift according to your own talking points. It's the conservatives who are supposed to be the party of fiscal responsibility and minimal federal government, so remove the giant fish-painted beam from thine own eye before you start ordering "our" analysts around.
My point was that it makes perfect sense for that organization to waste $500,000 on a giant billboard noone will see because the entire organization is a waste of taxpayer money. $500k only seems like a large price tag until you consider that the organization has to figure out a way to waste $29 million on marketing Alaskan fish. You'd be getting creative too if you had to waste that much money.
And don't try to give me those analysts. I don't know them either. And, of course, I know they don't represent you, that's not what I meant. I just have seen DeLay on some news shows lately and I haven't heard those clowns ask him anything about pork spending and how he can give himself credit for reducing waste in federal government when pork spending hasn't been curtailed under the GOP rule he brags about. I know that his whole indictment thing is in the news now, but that doesn't mean there aren't other things going on that actually might effect someone that could be brought into the conversation.
Sorry, I meant to say "I don't want them, either." not "I don't know them, either." I need to proofread more...
Obviously anyone who really cares much about restraining the unprecedented growth of pork has been in some state of shock and horror mixed with soothing numbness (and admit it, a tough of smugness, despite the fact that we'll be the ones to pay for it, with interest) since the night Bush was reelected, but beyond the inevitable wastefulness, this is an especially terrible idea, sure to increase unease among passengers who realize salmon are not typically flying fish. Would you have flown on the Spruce Moose without Mr. Burn's revolver to your head?
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