Thursday, October 28, 2004

Jesus loves the little children...

A dispatcher in Tacoma, Washington received a 911 call from a soft-spoken little boy who said, "My daddy killed me with a knife and I'm gone." Anthony Sukto, age 8, asked if the dispatcher could "please send the Army men or an ambulance" and told her "my mom is already dead and I am the only survivor."

The boy's father, Tony Sukto, has been arrested for the murder of his wife and the attempted murder of little Anthony.

If one were to believe the Christians in America, God is an all-knowing presence, and God chooses to bless people with children. This means that God "blessed" Anthony's parents by choosing to have him born to them, and that he conferred that "blessing" with full knowledge of the fact that Anthony's father would go on a murderous rampage and nearly kill the child. In America, if a parent knowingly places their child in a life-threatening situation we remove that child from their custody, and usually take any other kids in the home as well...too bad nobody else seems willing to hold God similarly responsible for the abuse and neglect of his human children.


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