Monday, October 18, 2004

The GOP is raising our irony threshold yet again, by ejecting three people from a Bush rally because they were wearing t-shirts stating "Protect Our Civil Liberties."

The three "protesters" were school teachers who obtained tickets to the rally through normal channels, and who made it past all three security check points without any problem. They made no attempt to hide the t-shirts from view as they were passed through security, assuring the staff that they had no intention of causing any problems, and the president had not even begun to speak when a volunteer stopped one of the women on her way to the bathroom and informed her that her t-shirt was "obscene." The women were not arrested, but they were escorted out by state police officers who warned them they would be arrested if they tried to return.

What is really priceless is that "Protect Our Civil Liberties" was the only statement on the shirts. They didn't say "Bush is Destroying Our Civil Liberties," but that is what the Bush supporters automatically read; if you will forgive the punnish metaphor, the three teachers displayed a general garment and the Bushies declared it was cut to their fit.


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