Friday, August 27, 2004

Today I encountered another entry for the "Wha...?" files, in the form of a 35-year-old Nigerian woman who gave birth to a rock. Mrs. Bosede Ismaila, of Allu in Yagba East Local Government Area, gave birth to a stone weighing 0.3 kg at the Kabba General Hospital after 12 months of pregnancy. Her husband, tractor driver Islmaila Idris, has attributed the delivery of the "miracle child" to the devil.

The truly "Wha...?"-inspiring part of this story is that women giving birth to rocks is not unprecidented. If a fetus dies during a pregnancy it can become lodged in the uterus and calcify, forming a "stone baby." A Zairian woman had a four pound calcified fetus removed from her abdomen, apparently a 32-week intra-abdominal pregnancy which had died. That link has actual pictures of the stone fetus. Very cool.

A race of stone-human hybrids is being produced and nobody is concerned?! Take it from somebody who has read about ten thousand comic books, the arrival of the Stone People is never good news for humanity.


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