Tuesday, March 23, 2004

I must send out jinx-waves whenever I am happy. Some kind of bad karma radiation must just seep from my pores, inducing fate and passersby to ruin my buzz in any way possible. An intoxicating perfume of come-and-hurt-me wafting about me in a challenging cloud would certainly explain why every good day I have had for months has been utterly ruined by the time I get to bed.

Don't think for a second that I am the sort to enjoy such martyrdom. I would be perfectly delighted to go along being quietly pleased with existence. But it is not meant to be, I think. Perhaps some celestial editor thinks my prose needs more pain, more depth of feeling, more drama. Perhaps I have displeased the gods with my constant blasphemy and appropriation of sacrificial virgins. Perhaps I just have more enemies than I am aware of.

Does anyone happen to know if there actually is a way to win this game?

Monday, March 22, 2004

I'm sure we all can remember President Bush decrying a system that now has ''millions of hard-working men and women condemned to fear and insecurity in a massive undocumented economy,'' as he urged Congress to approve that temporary worker program earlier this year. Well, he sure has an interesting way of showing his support for all the American workers who contributed to his campaign...

Rather than spending those campaign dollars on American goods for his re-election campaign, the "Bush-Cheney '04" jackets are not only being made over seas but are actually being made in a country that the US has trade sanctions against.

The Bush Administration implimented sanction against Burma last September, in an effort to punish them for human rights violations and sweat-shop labor. Of course, those sanctions don't do a whole lot when millions of Presidential dollars are pumped right into the Burmese economy anyhow. Just another case of "do as I say, not as I do" from our beloved CIC.

Friday, March 19, 2004

This spring and summer seem to be thematically centered around dramatic changes. Graduations, weddings, moving to new cities, and signing yearbooks for the first time in 4 years. So, naturally, I found myself in that disgusting nostalgic spiral of musing about old friendships and their relation to the new developments in all our lives. When last I reached a similar turning point (high school graduation) I was hypnotized by speculation, as I faced the unknown experience of moving away from the children I had known all my life.

This time around I find myself looking back rather than forwards, pondering how so many major changes can occur without disturbing long-standing relationships; moving apart, new lovers, marriages, even children. But also how every now and again there will be one minor change that manages to disrupt a lifetime of experiences. How an ornery wedge can insert itself into a single tiny crack in a friendship and begin to pry. I am speaking, of course, of the Interloper.

The Interloper is someone new in your friend's life, but should not be confused with the common and harmless New Friend. Where a New Friend will become a part of the pattern, the Interloper seeks to unravel that pattern as much as possible.

The Interloper thinks s/he knows the first thing about you, probably because your old friend has talked about you frequently. Rather than taking that as a hint of your bond, the Interloper choses an antagonistic stance to force a choice upon your unlucky old buddy. The Interloper has an understandably truncated view of your past experiences, but, unlike the New Friend, the Interloper discards those events as unimportant because s/he was not present at the time. The Interloper believes firmly that s/he knows your old friend best, especially if the Interloper is a new romantic interest. Years of common history mean little because your friend is obviously a totally different person now that the Interloper is around.

The proprietary attidude of the Interloper reveals the truth of the situation, however. Old friends must be seperated, because their connection reveals how recent and tenuous the position of the Interloper truly is. While one's initial reaction to the Interloper is usually irritation, or even anger, it is not long before pity takes over, for is there anything quite so pitiable as someone who cannot trust their own relationships? How can one be really threatened by someone who must exclude the past to be able to live in the present?

But the most important feature of the Interloper is that they never succeed. The only way they can drive you and your old friend apart is if the old friend wanted that separation to begin with; if not, then the Interloper will be a temporary blockage that will eventually be swept into the currents of one's gutter memories, a brief hiccup in the pulse of your friendship. Annoying metaphors aside, this means that the Interloper doesn't stand a damn chance.

My old friends are few, but what they lack in number they more than make up for in caliber. I've been blessed to know several people who will fight with me, laugh with (and often at) me, and fondly remember doing both even after all these years. So let me buy a round of cyber shots for the house, and let's all have a toast: to old friends, and the Interlopers who don't stand a damn chance.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004


And I got a $21,000 fellowship. This means that I will not be homeless and unemployed after graduation, no matter what other rejections are to come. This bloody well ROCKS.

Thursday, March 04, 2004

I'm going on vacation and there's not a bloody thing you can do to stop me. Hooray for all-expenses-paid trips, because now the money part is all behind us and we can focus on tanning and drinking and snogging in the bright Jamaican sun.

Words cannot express the full bliss of Spring Break, although an interpretive dance performed by a superhero can come close. The single sad note in the concert of pleasures is that I shall not be publishing for about a week. I know, it's hard for all of us. But be strong. This too shall pass.

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Online quiz results are always disturbingly accurate for me. I wonder why that is.

click here to take more tests like this at internet junk!
what warning label are you?