Sunday, August 28, 2005

A discussion with a friend of mine turned up a nice analogy for the chickenhawks' whimperings about "liberal" criticisms of President Bush. See, the chickenhawks think it's wrong for us to be pointing out that WE FUCKING TOLD YOU SO back when the Iraq disaster was first being shoved down our post-9/11 throats. The chickenhawks feel we shouldn't point out the failings of Our Most Holy And Wonderful King George The Lesser, because doing that will somehow weaken America and our efforts overseas, and they seem to expect anti-war protesters to be the ones who supply solutions to the problems created by the war that they oppose. So we decided that this is what the chickenhawk bitching boils down to:

"George W. Bush threw a bowling ball off of a tall building. All you gravatationists said that it was going to hit the ground and probably kill whoever it landed on. All you do is bitch and whine and complain about his ignorance of gravity and callous disregard for the safety of the pedestrians below. Well the fact is that he's dropped the ball and it's hurddling towards the ground as we speak. So what are you gravitationists going to do about it? What's your idea for keeping the bowling ball from hitting and killing someone? If we just leave it alone now, the bowling ball is going to break the pavement and possibly injure and kill someone. All your whining and mathematics do is to distract from the efforts catch the bowling ball. The people hanging out of third floor windows getting ready catch that bowling ball are being dishonored and demoralized by your efforts to point out that it is not humanly possible to catch a bowling ball dropped from a height of 800 feet. If we close the sidewalk until after the ball drops then the bowling ball wins."


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