Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Let's say you're a monarch of some sort. Perhaps, oh I don't know, a Princess. You've got servants, staff, massive palace, the works.

Let's also say there's this giant monster dude who has kidnapped you upwards of a dozen times in the past. He's conspicuously evil, from his spiked shell to his sinister chuckle, and he has a serious hard-on for locking you up in his evil monster castle.

Do you:

A) Use your royal treasury to train a Toad-people Secret Service with the weaponry and expertise to thwart any Koopa-related threat to your reign,


B) Continue to rely exclusively upon the security services of a single Italian plumber who will end up dicking around collecting magical stars for a zillion levels before he actually gets around to liberating you from Evil Monster Castle #2524.

It's a good thing Mario Galaxy is so mindblowingly awesome, otherwise these little plot issues would annoy me.


At 9:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait. Plot? What? There is a plot? Why didnt someone tell me this YEARS ago? I suppose there is a reason for the whole flying raccoon getup then too...

At 4:02 AM, Blogger Aleks said...

You know you love it way too much when I kidnap you, P.T. Besides,in my dungeon you get your turn to whip me.

But I'm glad to hear Mario has adapted to the modern era better than, say, Superman.


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